Saturday, 18 December 2010

#Snow in the UK!

Ohmigod it's SNOWING!!

Yeah, great...  I'm actually beginning to get quite annoyed by how pathetic we, in Great Britain, are, as a nation, at dealing with snow...

After all, it's not that unusual, is it?  We get some snow most years, during the winter - and yet, every year it's the same!  We panic, and we cancel things...  Any things!  We close schools, and we decide to stop going to the shops, and we start to dress in skins and communicate only in grunts and nods...

And, although I'm not all that old myself, I'm sure this is only a fairly recent thing...  I remember walking to school in the snow, and having snowball fights in the playground at lunchtime...  I actually used to take a sledge to school sometimes, when it snowed; our school field used to slope down to the river, and you could slide down it, and have races - it was great fun!

These days, though, you only have to shout the word "snow" loud enough, and your local school will close!  People will start panic-buying things like milk and carrots (which, apparently, are essential weapons against cold weather!) and fuel...

For some reason, the inclement weather is an excuse to drop everything, lose all common sense and run around like the proverbial decapitated poultry...  Quite frankly, I think it's pathetic!  In my opinion, life goes on - and if the weather's bad you should just stop being so feeble, cope with it, and just get on with things!


Jack said...

Hear hear!

Sam said...

schools don't cancel here much for snow, but they do for ice. we recently had an ice storm, which left the streets in horrible conditions and the sidewalks incredibly unsafe for students to walk on to wait for the bus, so it was necessary to cancel school for their safety.

i don't particularly enjoy driving in the snow, so i'll opt to stay in rather than go out.

Anonymous said... a headless chicken

is a simile, not a proverb.

Kit Marsden said...

It is a simile which has passed into proverbial/colloquial use, is it not?

screamingnspace said...

at least carrots make some sort of sense to buy when it snows (good snowman material). in the Southern US, the trend is to buy milk and bread. not really sure how people think bread is gong to tide them over in the event they somehow get snowed in (by 2 inches of snow). haha

April said...

I was so lucky to get to fly out of Manchester before all that shit started.

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